domingo, 8 de julio de 2018

Every Photo Tells a Story

This photo has never been published.

Well, I don't have much money to travel, I don't have money and enough independence for that, however, when I have fun it's about that and If I need know other places, well, I dare everything.

This photo was taken on the day of national holidays. It was the anniversary of Chile's independence. With my friends, we decided to go to a disco; That night we danced until 6 o'clock in the morning, after to have drunk an earthquake/terremoto, energetic, and have eaten empanadas. Then, they take me home at seven o'clock and for go to sleep i drink a warm  milk.

Maybe, the person who reads this will think "What's so extravagant to go dancing with your friends?". The truth is that this was a new moment for me, and very significant. In my life, I had never been to a gay club, and when I went dancing for the first time, I had never done it before. On the dance floor you could listen to pop, reggaeton and even Brazilian songs by Axé Bahía that date back to 2002.

It was really an exceptional outing, obviously I won't say what else my friends did. After getting drunk and dancing all night, they took care of leaving me at home.

My first year in the University it was great!  I discovered new people and new places that taught me to don't have to do different things.

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