sábado, 28 de abril de 2018

My favorite piece of technology

My favorite piece of technology its the ipod nano, with 7th generation, because you can listen music when you want and the ipod its so small and you can take everywhere.

The Ipod have this specifications for create an idea about his size:
  • High: 7,65 cm
  • Width: 3,96 cm
  • Thickness: 0,54 cm
  • Weight: 31 g2

I like so much becouse have a memory enought good for an estudent. This Ipod have 16gb and its the same that I said 4100 songs. Sometimes, I can read the letters and see videos, and pictures on the Ipod, what  makes it very efficent. 

Usually, I take everywhere I traveled, and its and alternative so good when my phone don't have battery and this is going.

viernes, 27 de abril de 2018

Why did you choose this study programme?

I chose this university programa because I like many subjets: Mathematics, biólogy, history and this, the last its the most important. Journalism review all possible áreas from a very summary view.

After, a while I decided that I would like to improve academically in the area of humanistic sciences.

I think it is important that a person knows how to articulate himself and have his own opinion. That nobody can buy it.
I may not practice journalism in the future, but I will be happy to have spent years of my life reading books and forging myself. who knows after studying another career, I do not know.

What I like most about my career is television and radio. Also I have the authority to ask and investigate other people.

viernes, 20 de abril de 2018

Dreaming a Little

When I was child I want to be an inventor, because I liked play with everything that I founded. When I study in the Kinder Garden I used to think that the imagination was all that existed and can be possible any dreams.
Also, in the school, I think that could be publicist and create slogan phrases for my own products in my company, all this then that I discover that be an inventor it is not profession and the science isn’t have inversion in Chile.
Well, but the life want other things for me, and I decided for the Journalism but I think study advertising after my first career. For decide the first option I made a selection of my interest and I chose the interest that I liked more.
My experience in the University until now make feel glad, but its difficult if you don’t like read, like me in a beginning , but now I like and I know that my mark will improve.

I would like write in book of science and culture. Also I would like work in the around the world.

miércoles, 4 de abril de 2018

Josefa: Interview classmate

G: when and where were you born?

 J: I was born in Rancagua , in 1995

G: what do you like to do in your free time?

J: I like to spend time with my cat, Chimuelo. Read when I'm traveling, watch series like Bojack Horseman, the last one I saw. I'd like to say painting but lastly I only do it for the university. Sleeping is always a good idea and I guess I like to go to museums and art galleries. 

G: what it's the last show that you see in the museums and galleries?

J: The last thing I saw and I absolutly loved it was the Monica Bengoa exhibition at the Fine Arts Museum here in Santiago. It was a sort of retrospective and recopilation of her life work. She works with photographical images and translate it to another materials and graphic realities, usually in big formats that impacts when you see it.  

G: If you had to recommend something about art and galleries, what would it be?

J: Do you mean if I have to recommend an artist? Well, I guess it would be the Patricia Vargas exhibition at the MAVI. She is a teacher from my faculty and an amazing painter and sculptor. The pieces of the exhibition are drawings, mixed media and watercolours. It's called ''Vuelo Vertical'', and it is dedicated to her husband who passed away.    

G: do you like Frida Kahlo?

J: I used to love Frida Kahlo when I was in highschool, I did researchs about her for school works for the Art class. I think I was sort of amazed for her aesthetic very typical of Mexico muralism. When I came here to study Plastic Arts, I met a bunch of contemporary painters that pulled of all of my previous tastes in art. I still like her but I think she is missunderstanded just for pop culture, she is seen like a product.