sábado, 28 de abril de 2018

My favorite piece of technology

My favorite piece of technology its the ipod nano, with 7th generation, because you can listen music when you want and the ipod its so small and you can take everywhere.

The Ipod have this specifications for create an idea about his size:
  • High: 7,65 cm
  • Width: 3,96 cm
  • Thickness: 0,54 cm
  • Weight: 31 g2

I like so much becouse have a memory enought good for an estudent. This Ipod have 16gb and its the same that I said 4100 songs. Sometimes, I can read the letters and see videos, and pictures on the Ipod, what  makes it very efficent. 

Usually, I take everywhere I traveled, and its and alternative so good when my phone don't have battery and this is going.

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