When I was
child I want to be an inventor, because I liked play with everything that I founded.
When I study in the Kinder Garden I used to think that the imagination was all
that existed and can be possible any dreams.
Also, in
the school, I think that could be publicist and create slogan phrases for my
own products in my company, all this then that I discover that be an inventor
it is not profession and the science isn’t have inversion in Chile.
Well, but
the life want other things for me, and I decided for the Journalism but I think
study advertising after my first career. For decide the first option I made a
selection of my interest and I chose the interest that I liked more.
My experience
in the University until now make feel glad, but its difficult if you don’t like
read, like me in a beginning , but now I like and I know that my mark will
I would
like write in book of science and culture. Also I would like work in the around
the world.
Well, yes, inventors need INVESTMENT and money to develop their ideas, but, like you said, you can be a journalist and work in advertising and the you can write a book about your experience and travel the world to present it.