miércoles, 4 de abril de 2018

Josefa: Interview classmate

G: when and where were you born?

 J: I was born in Rancagua , in 1995

G: what do you like to do in your free time?

J: I like to spend time with my cat, Chimuelo. Read when I'm traveling, watch series like Bojack Horseman, the last one I saw. I'd like to say painting but lastly I only do it for the university. Sleeping is always a good idea and I guess I like to go to museums and art galleries. 

G: what it's the last show that you see in the museums and galleries?

J: The last thing I saw and I absolutly loved it was the Monica Bengoa exhibition at the Fine Arts Museum here in Santiago. It was a sort of retrospective and recopilation of her life work. She works with photographical images and translate it to another materials and graphic realities, usually in big formats that impacts when you see it.  

G: If you had to recommend something about art and galleries, what would it be?

J: Do you mean if I have to recommend an artist? Well, I guess it would be the Patricia Vargas exhibition at the MAVI. She is a teacher from my faculty and an amazing painter and sculptor. The pieces of the exhibition are drawings, mixed media and watercolours. It's called ''Vuelo Vertical'', and it is dedicated to her husband who passed away.    

G: do you like Frida Kahlo?

J: I used to love Frida Kahlo when I was in highschool, I did researchs about her for school works for the Art class. I think I was sort of amazed for her aesthetic very typical of Mexico muralism. When I came here to study Plastic Arts, I met a bunch of contemporary painters that pulled of all of my previous tastes in art. I still like her but I think she is missunderstanded just for pop culture, she is seen like a product. 

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